Get the best experience out of Biodermis products.
Wash Epi-Derm and Bio-luminance with Silqueclenz to avoid adding any allergens or residue.
Dry Epi-Derm and Bio-luminance on the Epi-Derm drying rack to extend the life of the silicone sheets and allow proper drying conditions after washing.
Use Epitape or Epinet for added Epi-Derm securement in areas with a lot of curvature or movement.
Epi-Derm Instructional Video
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Epi-Derm Clear and Epi-Derm Natural?
The difference is that Epi-Derm Clear is transparent, with release liners on both sides. It is tacky on one side only. Epi-Derm Natural is beige in color with a soft fabric backing. Both varieties are made of 100% medical grade silicone.
Is Epi-Derm self-adhesive?
Unlike many other scar products, Epi-Derm is self-adhesive, but you may need to apply Epi-Tape or Epi-Net on certain areas of the body for extra securement.
How long do I use Epi-Derm for?
With any 100% medical-grade silicone therapy, best results are achieved with uninterrupted, continuous use. Epi-Derm sheets can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time, washed (with a non-foaming, fragrance free cleanser like Silqueclenz), and re-used. Epi-Derm is suitable for day and nighttime use. With proper cleaning and average wear-and-tear, each Epi-Derm sheet can last 2-3 weeks.
What is the difference between your product and others?
Unlike many over the counter scar reduction products, Epi-Derm, Pro-Sil and Xeragel are made of medical grade silicone. Because of the quality and high standards of all Biodermis family of products, it is sold directly to hospitals, burn centers, plastic surgeons, dermatologists and other specialists.
How effective is Epi-Derm on older scars?
Epi-Derm is effective on all types of scars, including older scars. Clinical studies have shown the newer the scar, the quicker the results, so with older scars -- products just need to be used for a longer period of time.
Do I need to use any other products with Epi-Derm?
During the day, especially in exposed areas, the most discreet option is often preferred. For those situations, an on-the-go silicone product like Pro-Sil or a gel like Episof is recommended. For 24 hour a day usage, many patients prefer Epi-Derm scar silicone sheets at night when they are at home or sleeping, because a single sheet will last all night, and then Pro-Sil during the day. Silqueclenz by Biodermis is the ideal cleanser formulation for cleaning silicone sheeting between uses. Lastly, Epi-net or Epi-tape are sometimes required to keep silicone secured in areas that tend to actively bend throughout the day - such as a knee or ankle.
Will Epi-Derm completely eliminate my scar?
Ideal scar management results in a minimizing of the height, thickness and/or discoloration of the scar, thus helping flatten, smooth and blend the scar with the surrounding skin, making it far less noticeable.
Are there any complications?
Instances of skin irritation with silicone are rare. However, as with any topical device applied directly to the skin, it is possible. If any skin redness or irritation occurs, speak with your doctor to understand the root cause.
Is it safe?
Yes. Each product has received U.S. FDA clearance and European C.E. mark and is comprised of safe, non-toxic, non-medicated, semi-occlusive silicone gel.
Can I cut the Epi-Derm sheet?
Yes, Epi-Derm scar silicone sheets may be cut into smaller pieces using clean scissors or a knife. The piece of gel sheeting should fully cover the scar and extend 1/4 inch all the way around the scar border.
How is Epi-Derm different from other silicone sheets?
Biodermis is the originator of silicone sheeting in the industry and the first to introduce a variety of configurations and thicknesses, while maintaining the highest quality and regulatory standard.
Can I use Epi-Derm in conjunction with other products?
Nothing should be used underneath Epi-Derm gel sheeting (between the gel sheeting and your scar). Of course, Pro-Sil and Episof are frequently used during the day on exposed scars (face, hands, elbows, etc).
How should I store the unused Epi-Derm?
Biodermis recommends that you store it in its original packaging at room temperature.
How soon can I start using Epi-Derm?
Epi-Derm can be applied after the sutures have been removed, and the scab is no longer present.
Can Epi-Derm be used on children?
Yes, it is safe and non-toxic and can be used on children.
Which side should I apply to the scar?
Always apply the sticky side of the silicone sheets to the scar.
Should I remove the sheeting when I shower, workout or swim?
Yes, it is recommended to remove silicone sheeting for scars when you shower, workout or swim due to the excessive moisture. However, it does not harm the product or your scar.
Can Epi-Derm be used on facial scars?
Yes, Epi-Derm silicone strips work great on facial scars. Frequently, patients choose to use Pro-Sil or Episof on facial scars during the day because these products are less noticeable, then use Epi-Derm scar silicone sheets at night.
How long will gel sheeting last?
Once gel sheeting has been applied to the scar site, it can be used for 2-3 weeks. When it begins to lose its adhesive qualities, or when surface oils or skin cells become difficult to remove with proper daily washing, it is time to replace the sheet.
Unused product, whether opened, or unopened, will last for years when stored properly.
What are keloids and can Epi-Derm help prevent them?
Keloids are the aftereffect of an overgrowth of dense fibrous tissue that usually develops after healing of a skin injury. When a scar is formed, connective tissues or fibers are formed at the site to hold the wound closed. Keloids form when the cells continue to multiply after the wound is filled in. Symptoms may include pigmentation of the skin, discomfort, or an itchy or painful sensation.
Scar treatment therapy options include silicone sheets for keloids, and pressure treatment. Keloids may often be prevented by using a pressure dressing like Epi-Net in conjunction with silicone scar strips over the injury site 24 hours each day. This treatment is most effective after healing of the wound or injury, usually within a month.