Scarring is the result of a dynamic cascade of biological events that is part of a normal and healthy wound-healing response. When the dermis (middle) layer of skin is damaged from surgery or injury, the formation of scar tissue is likely to follow. The type of injury that you sustain can dramatically influence the way a scar appears and feels, even years after the traumatic event. In some cases, scars are unavoidable. Genetic predispositions that influence skin type and wound healing can lead to abnormal and excessive scar formation. Luckily, with proper wound care and the help of clinically-proven scar therapy products, there are ways to significantly reduce the appearance of your scars.
Continue reading to learn more about the different types of scars and what you can do to treat them in a safe and effective manner.
Continue reading to learn more about the different types of scars and what you can do to treat them in a safe and effective manner.
Burn scars
Burn scars are attained when a person sustains a 2nd or 3rd-degree burn. A 1st-degree burn, which only damages the first layer of skin, typically leaves no scar and can be treated with aloe vera or an antibiotic ointment. For more serious burns, a skin graft may be needed and scarring will almost always result. Burn scars can be spread out over a large area of skin and may appear abnormal and red or pink in color. Although burn scars are abnormal in appearance, they follow the same wound healing response associated with other injuries. However, because the immune response is often hypersensitive to burn injuries, resulting scars can take some time to manage.Raised scars
Raised scars can occur as a result of any type of injury and may be classified as either hypertrophic or keloidal. Keloids are scars that grow beyond the initial wound site, creating smooth, lumpy growths that can be irritating to the skin. Keloids seem to be linked to genetics because they more frequently affect populations with darker skin tone. Hypertrophic scars are similar to keloids in that they are raised and bumpy but do not grow past the boundaries of the wound. Hypertrophic scars and keloids mostly only raise cosmetic concerns, but in some cases, they can be itchy, painful, and burdensome.Acne scars
As the name suggests, acne scars are the result of severe acne during one’s adolescence. In some cases, acne can persist beyond one’s teen years, causing acne scarring over a period of time. Most acne scarring is characterized by the loss of collagen in the face, causing sunken, pitted scars that are difficult to get rid of. These scar types are known as atrophic, the opposite of hypertrophic. A person with severe acne should never pop or scratch their pimples, as this can lead to infection and greater scarring later in life. The use of silicone-based products may be effective in reducing the sunken scars associated with acne.Stretch marks
Stretch marks, also known as striae, are a form of scarring caused by the stretching of the skin due to weight gain, bodybuilding, or pregnancy. On average, stretch marks appear as small, jagged lines with an off-color hue, usually purple or white. Oftentimes, stretch marks can form during puberty when the body undergoes rapid hormonal and physical changes. Because stretch marks develop at the dermis (middle) layer of the skin, they cannot be prevented. There is some evidence, however, that seems to indicate stretch marks can fade over time with the help of certain topical treatments.
Clinically-proven scar therapy solution
Silicone gel technology for scars is the only clinically-proven topical treatment currently available for the prevention and management of abnormal scar types. The use of medical silicone for post-operative scar therapy has been the gold standard that physicians have recommended for over thirty years. Patient compliance with topical silicone is high, making it an attractive referral option for physicians.
Because silicone gel comes in many different forms, there is an option for every scar type. Silicone gel sheeting is perfect for large scars that result from an injury or a surgical procedure. Silicone scar sticks are recommended for exposed scars on the face and hands and are the perfect travel buddies for scar care on the go. Dermasof advanced silicone serum is a great option for the treatment of stretch marks and fine lines. To explore these options and many others for your post-operative care needs, visit today.
Because silicone gel comes in many different forms, there is an option for every scar type. Silicone gel sheeting is perfect for large scars that result from an injury or a surgical procedure. Silicone scar sticks are recommended for exposed scars on the face and hands and are the perfect travel buddies for scar care on the go. Dermasof advanced silicone serum is a great option for the treatment of stretch marks and fine lines. To explore these options and many others for your post-operative care needs, visit today.
Biodermis is an innovative market leader with 30 years of expertise in the medical silicone industry. Visit today to explore a complete range of scar management and post-operative care solutions.
Biodermis offers custom tailored referral programs designed to simplify and reduce the cost of your patients' post-op care. Additionally, we offer professional pricing if you opt to retail our products. Give us a call at 800.322.3729, and we will be happy to provide additional details on these programs.